Welcoming introduction to a show at the REX Cinema in Wareham. An homage to the central event in Werner Herzog's FITZCARRALDO. The geography of Wareham (between two rivers) allows for this! The representation of the REX is being pulled by stop-motion caricatures of members of the REX staff and volunteers.
O Brother
Welcoming introduction to a show at the REX Cinema in Wareham. An homage to the opening scene in the Coen Brothers' O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? Featuring stop-motion characters of three of the REX projectionists at the time. And a slight dig at the state of the contemporary roadworks in the area.
Welcoming animation preceding a show at the REX Cinema in Wareham. An homage to an iconic scene in William Friedkin's THE EXORCIST, featuring an image of the frontage of the REX and a puppet of one of the REX staff.